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Bottom Painting

Checking Your Boat on Land: 5 Steps to Follow After Storm

It’s important to periodically check on your boat on land, but it becomes increasingly important after periods of heavy rain and strong winds so we’ve put together a list of 5 steps to help you check on your boat:

1. Examine your boat’s canvas cover or shrink wrap

Look for loose fittings on canvas covers or damage to shrink wrap that can expose your boat to the elements. Check that your cover isn’t allowing water to accumulate as this can add considerable weight to your boat or inadvertently send water into your boat. Please confirm that nothing is tied to the jack stands.

shrink wrap

2. Ensure scuppers and all drains are clear from debris that would prevent water from draining

boat on land

3. Examine portholes and hatches for leaks, water stains, corrosion, or dirt indicating they are not properly secured


4. Do a smell test. Do you smell gas or mold? If so, find the source and eliminate any issues

Remember to never enter a shrink-wrapped boat alone. Oxygen levels can get extremely low or CO gas can collect under the cover and cause blackouts quickly. Always properly ventilate a wrapped boat before entering.


5. Look around your engine compartment

Look for signs of fluid leaks, swollen or cracked hoses, rusted or broken clamps, chafed or melted wires, or anything else that may indicate an issue.


As a reminder, the Yacht Center routinely checks jack stands, chains and blocks, but if you notice a jack stand has shifted, please don’t try to adjust it yourself; contact the marina office at 410-867-4343.
7149 Lake Shore Drive
North Beach, MD 20714
P.O. Box 40, 389 Deale Road
Tracey’s Landing, MD 20779
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